by Karen Cleveland - Animal Communcator | Feb 4, 2015 | The Well Being of Animals
“I took him to the vet but they didn’t find anything” Sound familiar? Have you ever taken your beloved animal to the vet only to come back without a resolution? Believe it or not, I hear it pretty often. Because we’re so connected to our animal family we know...
by Karen Cleveland - Animal Communcator | Dec 21, 2014 | Newsletter
Happy Holidays to all of you animal friendly people out there and welcome to December issue of my newsletter! Be sure to check out this last minute special if you’re looking for a gift! There is still time! Last minute Gift Certificates for Animal...
by Karen Cleveland - Animal Communcator | Dec 18, 2014 | Animals are teachers, The Well Being of Animals
I’ve been inspired to make some changes in the house by a fitness challenge for animals and their people ( ). My son has mentioned a few times that Roxy, my 8 ½ year old cat, is overweight but I usually dismiss it. With this challenge...
by Karen Cleveland - Animal Communcator | Dec 10, 2014 | Rescue, Shelter
I’m here to help the animals, so why am I painting? How does this help? It’s exciting to take teams of people to work parties at Pasados Safe Haven animal sanctuary every few months for it’s always something new, every time! We never know what we’re doing ahead of...
by Karen Cleveland - Animal Communcator | Nov 11, 2014 | The Well-fare of Animals
I’ll do almost anything for the animals:) Lately I’ve been combining my skills as an Animal Communicator and a Prayer Practitioner together, often with another bonus healing modality, all in order to help shift a challenge in an animal’s house. What does this mean?...