The question is not “What are you thinking, Mr. Kitty?” but rather “What can I answer for you, Mr. Kitty?” Subtle difference perhaps, but an important one.

National “Answer Your Cat’s Questions” Day is coming right up on January 22, 2017. It is a day for you to answer all of your cat’s questions that he or she has of you. This special day originated to help people be aware of their cats on a more conscious level and to notice when your cat is trying to ask you something. According to Petcentric, your job is to stop what you’re doing and try to figure out what your cat is asking, and do your best to answer the question.

And yes, you can do this! As a professional I get a lot of questions, and answers, from cats, but you can do this too.

Trying to figure out what your cat (or any pet) is asking you sometimes takes some practice, but it can be done.  Here are just a few of the general tips I give my students and clients for connecting deeper with your animals.

  1. Make a special time for you and your cat to communicate.

Your cat is likely asking you a question or telling you something right now, but guess what? You are too busy to pick up on it, or you don’t realize the thoughts you get “out of nowhere” are not really from nowhere, but quite possibly from your cat. So set aside a specific time to listen.

  1. Once you have set a time, tell your cat when the appointment is.

Crazy? Maybe, but it works. “Fluffy, tonight at 8pm I will sit down and be quiet and listen to you.” Better yet – “Every night at 8pm I’ll sit and be quiet for our conversations.” Your cat will know you are making time to try and understand them better – this is significant to them!

  1. While you are in your dedicated time, do nothing else.

There is nothing more frustrating than trying to call someone and getting a busy signal over and over again. Turn off the TV, your smartphone and iTunes. Don’t pick up a book or paper or magazine. Just sit, you and your cat. Pay attention.

  1. Repeat.

The more you do this, the more confident you’ll be in listening to them, and in assessing your cat’s needs. Take time to do this often, daily if possible, and you will be pleasantly surprised by changes in the household.

All of our animals want to be heard, and sometimes this makes all the difference in their behavior. I have seen shifts occur with clients simply from a cat or dog helping me understand a situation from their point of view. After all, don’t you feel better when you have the chance to get something off your chest?

I encourage you to enjoy this special day learning more from your cats. If you want a little more guidance, check my website for a guided meditation and available classes.

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