The above film clip from the documentary “The Animal Communicator” with Anna Breytenbach about Spirit the black leopard is a beautiful statement on the importance of Animal Communication. It is not only important for captive wild animals, nor for our domesticated and pet animals, but for the entire animal kingdom.

Spirit the black leopard
All life is composed of energy, and the energy field of every person or animal extends beyond themselves into one another, forming one large, perfect energy system. Because of this energetic connection, what affects one life has a ripple effect that affects all lives. When we help bring peace or joy into one life it has no choice but to also affect all other lives: lifting fear from one life lifts all lives.
So why, specifically, is animal communication so important? Anna shows us several important points in the video clip.
First – The name of the animal.
Every time we say a word, we subconsciously create pictures and/or feelings associated with that word (or Name in this case). These images and emotions are then sent from us to those nearby whom we are talking to. So when we call an animal by their name, they automatically pick up our feelings and thoughts associated with that name.
The beautiful, strong black leopard felt the name Diablo did not best represent him, as it has a diabolic, dark meaning and he didn’t want to be perceived that way. You may have seen your pet or others’ pets in the same situation, either trying to live up to a particular name or trying to prove otherwise. Either way, the words we choose have an impact whether we consciously think about the pictures or feelings associated with them or not. While you may have chosen a perfectly lovely name for your animal, if the animal does not agree with the images it receives when people call that name, there is a chance behavior issues can arise. If Diablo had had a different personality, he may have loved his name, but that was not the case. Be aware of the words you use, and if necessary, an animal communicator can quickly sort issues due to nicknames or other frequently used household words.
Second – Allowing (the more appropriately named) Spirit a voice.
This is often the key in shifting behavior: letting the animal be heard. Spirit expressed concern over the cubs left behind in the zoo he was rescued from. Once Jurg learned of his concern, he was able to tell the leopard what the fate of the cubs was. Spirit was able to relax even more having had his concern addressed. Being heard and recognized is vital for all creatures.
Third – Conveying expectations.
Anna mentioned that Spirit felt a relief in talking with her and finding out there were no demands of him. She was able to telepathically send this and other information to him, just as we can do with our beloved pets. Spirit was so relieved and relaxed that he was actually interested in exploring outside his night shelter on his own. He was now able to freely move around knowing he would not be asked to do anything.
Alleviating the stress, suspicion and viciousness of Spirit is a beautiful representation of how we can begin lifting the world one animal at a time. Humans have created situations that put thousands of animals in stressful, fearful positions. It seems the least we can do is to work at reversing our impact, if only one life at a time.
Helping a cat remember to use the litter box, or building confidence in a shy, fearful dog helps create harmony within one house. This then begins the ripple effect for increasing harmony everywhere.
There is great joy in facilitating an improved human-animal relationship, and I wish it for everyone!
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