Can Your Relationship With Your Pet Improve With Prayer?
Do you think it’s possible that praying can affect your relationship with your beloved animals? I believe it can, and potentially in a very big way, so I offer you the opportunity to easily apply it in your own life for 30 days and see for yourself.
Prayer can be a very big topic, and can be quite personal. There are many forms of prayer, many ways to pray, and many things to pray about. This is not a lesson or class in prayer; this is simply using an affirmative prayer to reconnect with the Divine.
Please join me in this 30 day blessing; for You, for Your animals.
We all come to this from different backgrounds and perhaps different expectations of how a prayer should be, I ask only that you be open to receive the blessing due You and Your animals.
In this moment I know the One Divine Creator of Love and Joy moves and breathes through every life, this Love and Joy echoes through every person called to visit this website and begin their 30 days of blessing. I give great thanks knowing this Love and Joy dwells in the life of these people and their animals, knowing this is their Rrue spirit. I release these words to God knowing all is as it should be. And so it is. Amen
You will receive a daily email with and audio of the prayer and a written form of the prayer. I recommend you take 10-15 minutes each, although to listen to the prayer only is about 2 minutes.