“I took him to the vet but they didn’t find anything”

Sound familiar?  Have you ever taken your beloved animal to the vet only to come back without a resolution?   Believe it or not, I hear it pretty often.   Because we’re so connected to our animal family we know something is wrong, but we just don’t know what.    And because we don’t know what it is, we head to the vet hoping they know.

That’s where animal communication comes in.  This is where I help people save money, time, and stress in directing them to the best resources for their situation.

If your dog is having anxiety and hiding whenever a guest comes in the house, the vet can’t help except to prescribe an anti-anxiety med.  An animal communicator can help get to the root of the issue and offer multiple solutions to help the dog overcome it and let them be the greeter.

If your cat is not using the litter box, yes it may be a health issue requiring care, but it also might be the litter, the location, the loud noise next to the box, or numerous other situations.  We can tell you if it’s time for lab work,  or time for a simpler solution.

I would never recommend an animal communication session over necessary veterinary care,  but I do believe there are times gaining a little insight from the animal can help save money and time in dealing with some issues.

As an animal communicator I want the best for your animal just like you.

That’s why I have a large network of people I know and trust  that I can refer you to if the need arises. After connecting with your animal and looking at the cause of their (or your) distress, we can talk dog trainers, vets, chiropractors, body workers, nutrition, habits or whatever is necessary to get you both back to happy!


So the next time you’re feeling that something isn’t right, or even if you flat out know something is off! Trust yourself to know if it requires urgent vet care, and if it doesn’t then I encourage you to make an appointment with an animal communicator to help get to the root of the issue and prioritize your options.
