Lost Cats

Click here for Lost Dog  InformationLostCat

Losing an animal can be very stressful, I know,  but a few tips on how to search can help ease your mind and bring the animal home.

My favorite source for lost pets is www.missingpetpartnership.org   The website is very complete in identifying personality types and their likely behavior while lost.  Lost cat behavior can be read here.

The “lost” scenario is very important in determining the most effective way to search for your cat.   Cats are a little more complicated than dogs,  so please read the following as cats that are often outside hasve different search methods than displaced cats.

A displaced cat can be any cat in unfamiliar territory, whether it be an indoor cat escaping outside, and outdoor cat being chased from it’s territory, or any other situation that a cat is suddenly in new territory.  Because these cats often hide and don’t meow, use of humane traps may be very useful, even in your own yard!  Find out more about displaced cats here.

Use of tracking dogs may also be useful right away for cats that do not travel outside often.  Read about probability scenarios for your cat here.

*ALWAYS MARK YOUR CAR*  Make it easy for people to know you’re looking for that cat they just saw 2 minutes ago.   Tips on marking your car. 

 Create Giant Posters utilizing the 5 second rule – drivers will have only 5 seconds to read your poster, use  few words, make them count, and be highly visible.  Poster Tips

If you’d like an animal communication appointment please contact my associate Colleen Twiss www.colleentwiss.com colleen@colleentwiss.com 971-332-0973

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